Who We Are

Say hello to the leadership team at The Promise

Meet our leadership

Say hello to the leadership team at The Promise. Got questions for the lead team at The Promise? Contact us by clicking here.

Bryan Green - Lead Pastor

Bryan Green is the creator of The Promise. He launched The Promise in 2020, with the Self family. Bryan is married to his wife of 13+ years, Katie.

"The best is yet to come!" - Pastor Bryan

Kyle Self - Executive Pastor

Kyle Self helped start The Promise in 2020. Kyle serves as the Executive Pastor at The Promise. Kyle is married to his wife, Stephanie. Kyle loves football and the outdoors.

"We all have a past, and we all still have things we struggle with. That's the beauty of grace." - Pastor Kyle

Katie Green - Chief of Staff and Administration, Student Pastor

Katie Green is the right hand man/wife to Lead Pastor Bryan. She has served as The Promise's office administrator. Soon after The Promise launched she has taken charge of student ministry. Food is the way to Katie's heart.

"God's plans for your life are better than you can imagine." - Pastor Katie

Stephanie Self - Media & Marketing

Stephanie Self, married to Pastor Kyle, joined The Promise team as head of media and marketing. With a strong background in photography, the media aspect of the church was natural to her. She enjoys reading with a warm mug of tea.

"God is a father to the fatherless." - Stephanie